Sunday, March 4, 2012

Talking Back! The Good Kind

My students have been doing a whole bunch of talking back. Talking back to books, that is. I love Beth Newingham and have followed her work for several years now. She put together a fabulous Readers Notebook that she uses in her literacy program.  While I don’t use the whole notebook I do use her post it note tracker sheet.

I teach my kids how to talk back to their books while reading. I model this during read alouds and guided reading and teach a mini lesson at the beginning of the school year.  As part of our Centers the kids Read to Self. Every couple of weeks I ask them to use the post it note trackers sheet and “talk back” to their books.  My students really like this because they get to use post it notes (something a little special) and I like it because I get to see their thought process as they read to themselves.

 The "talking back" form is available on Beth's website and is free.  Try it out with your students...they will love Talking Back!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just awarded you the Lovely Blog Award!!! Come on over to my blog to receive it!
    See you soon! Andrea ...I totally use Beth Newingham's stuff too!
