Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wordle anyone?

Thanks to my amazing friend and colleague Flick Trimming for introducing me to Wordle.  Have you heard of it?
Wordle is a website where you can enter text or a website address and randomize the words from the text you selected.  What’s great is that the more a word is used the bigger it appears.

Here is the wordle that I created by entering the address for this blog. 
 Wordle allows you to customize the color scheme, layout, font and even language. 
Flick used this with her class of first graders to create wordles about their current unit of light. Their results were amazing.  

Today in class I had my third graders write a short essay about Technology.  After they wrote it in word I showed them Wordle.net and off they went. 
Here are some of their amazing results. 

What I love most about these Wordles is that my kids can see their ideas expressed in a non-traditional format. I think they turned out fabulous and gives me a real indication of what they have pieced together through this unit.

Give it a try...You'll love it too! =

Happy Teaching!

Miss Pam

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