Sunday, April 15, 2012

Free is Good!

I haven’t been the best blogger recently but I can say that I’ve been a pretty good teacher. I feel like a juggler all the time and I can’t keep all the balls in the air at once. So while I’ve been working hard at school, I haven’t been working very hard at blogging. I am setting a goal for myself to do better at both (Doesn’t help that I have two other blogs and contribute to a third).

It is Sunday night at 9:40 and I just finished making a quick read to self-summary worksheet. I like to have my kids use different methods for talking about the books that they read during our center time. Sometimes it’s a verbal activity and sometimes it’s written. This week it’s written.
I decided just to put this on google docs for now because I can’t be bothered to put it in my TPT store tonight. If you think you can use itgreat!

Have a great week ya'll and happy teaching and learning!
Miss Pam

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just a quick post and a new maths game

I spent a little time the past two days creating a new multiplication game for my third graders. I have had so much success using games to differentiate that I am always looking to make new ones.  I find that as soon as I add one I need to start making something new because my amazing kids can't get enough. It also allows me to target each child's individual needs. I can create practice games for those kids that have special needs that the other don't require help with. 

You can purchase the product here...
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and enjoy your time with friends and family!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Read my quick post on Global Teacher Connect

I recently joined a group of teacher bloggers from around the world on a great new blog.  I will be posting to the site from time to time and tonight is my first blog post.

You should really check out Global Teachers Connect and take a look at the amazing teachers from around the world that will contribute to this fantastic forum and help us all feel a little more closely connected.

Click below to get to Global Teacher Connect 


Click below to see my post.