Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer PD time

The school year is over and the warm weather has finally arrived. My sister Christine is here visiting and traveling around Europe. We just got back from a quick visit to Paris. What fun we had. 
Now that I am back home I am busy with my list if summer pd that I want to get done. I am so excited to be learning about Whole Brain Teaching. If you haven't heard about this phenomenal teaching strategy you really need to check out www.wholebrainteaching.com

I can't begin to tell you how eager I am to get back to my classroom. I am eating, sleeping and dreaming WBT! 

I'll be telling you all much more about it in my upcoming posts. In the meantime, check out the website and YouTube the videos. Simply Amazing!


  1. Hi Pam,
    Glad you are able to get away and relax! Paris!!! So exciting!

    Can't wait to hear what your learning with WBT. Will be checking it out.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Nancy C.

  2. Thanks Nancy. I can hardly wait for school to start and to begin to implement all the great things I'm learning.
